Meet the 11" Heavy Hitters "Bob and Weave"

Good things come in small packages. Despite being small this new Heavy Hitters Aqua Bag packs a real punch. 
Get ready to be seriously tested. Hitting this little guy when it's moving is easier said than done. Not only does it really help with long distance jabs, the movement it produces means to say you can literally 'bob and weave' whilst it swings towards you. 
We like to call it a hybrid. Because of it's similar size to a speed ball and small size to an aqua-bag. It brings something very unique to the world of boxing which hasn't been there before. 
So far, we have it installed at Broadside Warriors. Where boxers of all different abilities have taken to it. It has something for everyone. It's lighter weight for novices, but because if it's movement and action it produces it has it's appeal to more experiences boxers and fighters too.
Interested? Contact us on social media to find out more. Also check out the video below to see this plucky bag in full action. 

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